Friday, October 12, 2012

Stop Online Piracy Automatic Protection System virus

Is your computer paralyzed by by Stop Online Piracy Automatic Protection System? Asked to pay $200 for the crimes you did not commit? Are you in panic? Have no ideas what to do? If you positive answers at least for two of these questions, it means that you the victim among those who unfortunately get infected with this ransomware. First of all do not worry, if there is a problem there is a solution also. This entry aims to shed the light on Stop Online Piracy Automatic Protection System virus and help unblock the compromised PCs. Go on reading to learn how to bring your PC to a stable function again.

The general information about Stop Online Piracy Automatic Protection System virus?

Stop Online Piracy Automatic Protection System is the fresh ransomware sample developed to rip innocent users off. Upon penetration to a targeted PC, Stop Online Piracy Automatic Protection System displays a full-screen warning message telling that the computer desktop is locked due to violation of the law under S.O.P.A. If such case takes place with you, do not panic and hurry up to pay a fine. Take into account the fact that authorities do not have a jurisdiction to lock PCs and collect fines in such way. Neither government department nor an illegal department will send a warning like that in such a way. It is a handiwork of well-skilled cyber crooks. Never fall into their trap, do not support the criminals because they will be enriched in unfair way and will be inspired for creation even more severe viruses.

The PC owner is accused for illegal usage and distribution of copyrighted content, such as movies, music or other and even for using of pornographic content. To make a PC useable again it is necessary to pay a fine of 1000 DKK. This tick is counted on gullible people. This is tactic of hackers that works fine and the scammers are getting richer day by day.

Symptoms of Stop Online Piracy Automatic Protection System :

A fake full-screen warning display on your computer screen from S.O.P.A stating that your computer has been blocked due to: * Illegal access to a certain website; * Violate copyright or related right Law(For example, download some music or video illegally) * Visit some porn website or view some prohibited pornographic content, ect.

The only correct algorithm of your actions now is to find the effective unblocking instructions.

GridinSoft Trojan Killer Lab has prepared such ones for you.

1. Go to your friend, relative or anybody else who has computer with Internet connection. 2. Take your USB flash drive / Memory Stick with you. 3. Download GridinSoft Trojan Killer installation file from this site and save it to your USB flash drive / Memory Stick. 4. Get back to your infected PC and insert the USB Drive / Memory Stick into the respective USB slot. 5. Perform hard reset (press reset button on your computer) if your infected PC has been on with ransomware background. If not, then simply turn your PC on. 6. Before the very boot process begins keep repeatedly hitting “F8” button on your keyboard. 7. In the window that appeared select “Safe mode with command prompt” option and press Enter. 8. Choose your operating system and user account which was infected with ransomware virus. 9. In the cmd.exe window type “explorer” and press “Enter” button on your keyboard. 10. Select “My Computer” and choose your USB flash drive / Memory Stick. 11. Run the installation file of GridinSoft Trojan Killer. Install the program and run scan with it. (update of the program will not work for “Safe mode with command prompt” option) 12. When the hijackers are successfully disabled (fixed) by GridinSoft Trojan Killer you may close GridinSoft Trojan Killer application. 13. In the cmd.exe window type “shutdown /r /t 0” and press “Enter” button on your keyboard. 14. Upon system reboot your PC will be unlocked and you will be able to use it just as before the infection took pace. 15. However, it is recommended that you now update GridinSoft Trojan Killer and run the scan with it again to remove the source of the infections causing ransomware virus to infect your PC. SOURCE:

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