Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Smart Fortress 2012 removal guide.

Smart Fortress 2012 is a new virus but it has its predecessors like Windows PRO Scanner, Windows Telemetry Center etc. The main goal of the virus is to take your money for its malicious program by fooling you, of course. How can it fool you? As soon as Smart Fortress 2012 virus penetrates inside your system it begins to scan it and provides you with the results of this scanning. Of course, the results are totally fake as well as the scanning process. It shows you some rogues you do not even have in your system. Do not let it fool you in such way! When it asks you to buy its commercial version it just wants you to give your money. And it actually can sometimes fool users with this.

If you do the purchase you will just loose your money and the virus will take what it wanted from you. So, you should remove the virus from your system as soon as you notice it inside of it. Do not hesitate to remove the malware. Until then your system will just be brocken. There will be too many pop-ups and different messages about the system being infected. So, the main goal of the virus is to trick your money out of you. Just ignore everything it shows you. Loaris Trojan Remover can easily cope with this malware. We recommend you to scan your system from time to time in future just to be sure it is safe and clean of viruses. There is a video removal guide of Smart Fortress 2012 virus. Watch it carefully, follow all the steps and the virus will be eliminated in no time. Be safe and careful in the web!

Make sure to do some preparatory steps before launching Loaris Trojan Remover for successful virus neutralizing:

Click Win+R, enter the following link: http://loaris.com/download/pkiller.exe in the appeared field, upload PKIller, save it to the desktop, rename it into Iexplorer.exe, a hit right button of the mouse on the Iexplorer short cut and choose the option RUN AS.

In the appeared Window uncheck the option PROTECT MY COMPUTER AND DATA FROM UNAUTHORIZED PROGRAM ACTIVITY, click OK button.

This procedure will terminate the processes launched by the virus.

If PKiller has fulfilled its job, run Loaris Trojan Remover by clicking on its short cut with the right button of the mouse and choose the option RUN AS. In the appeared Window uncheck the option PROTECT MY COMPUTER AND DATA FROM UNAUTHORIZED PROGRAM ACTIVITY, click OK button.

Internet Security Guard automatic remover

Smart Fortress 2012 video removal guide:

Smart Fortress 2012 manual removal guide:

Delete Smart Fortress 2012 files:
%StartMenu%\\Programs\\ Smart Fortress 2012.lnk
Delete Smart Fortress 2012 registry entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce "random"

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