Super AV is a new enough rogue at present time. As any other virus this one has the aim of getting your money for its malicious product. You can think that you wouldn't give the money for that under any circumstances. But the viruses can easily fool people into the purchasing. How can Super AV fool you? It has almost the same way of fooling people like many other viruses. I mean, when Super AV comes to your system, it claims to be a good pogram. It scans your machine and finds a lot of threats inside of it. But when you try to remove those threats it has found it will redirect you to the page where you can buy its commercial version. Do not do that! It will only take your money, that is all.
Super AV can do many interesting things with your files. For example, it can hide them. But do not worry at once, they are still there and can be restored. Moreover, the virus can block some of your programs or even the Internet connection. So, as you can see, you won't be able to work with your machine as good as ealier with the virus inside.
There is a program for you here. Loaris Trojan Remover was developed ro remove such viruses like Super AV. You just need to follow all the steps for the successful removal. Plus, here you can watch the video removal guide of the virus. Be safe and careful in the web!
Super AV automatic remover:
Super AV video removal guide:
Super AV manual removal guide:
Delete Super AV files:C:\WINDOWS\atexbees.exe
Delete Super AV registry entries:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]"Security" = "C:\Windows\atexbees.exe"
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